Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Free From Churchainty and how good it feels!!!

To bewitched means to go back to something that you was set free from. We know why Paul told them about being foolish. No more works of the law, it is now by faith so what happen to these people. Like today when your "free" from the bondage of "churchainty" people who are not free don't understand how you go on without it that is churchainty. What is churchainty is the same as the law dead works. Trying to false something as truth with many nonspiritual points. People who are in this place call it churchainty and have not left "yet" these things and maybe never will leave them. Why because they believe them to be bibical teachings better know as the traditions of men. As you can read you can see i didn't say traditons of Jesus,Paul,Peter,James,etc,etc. This is why I'm writing this people about this "bewitched into" the traditions of men. We are in the everlasting covenant people so we need to get it strait now that we are "free" from churchainty. To start off with sometimes i get upset then other times i'm sad about it. Why because churchainty has "no substances" behind it. Let me name a few here that churchanity people who are in many ways like the Jews of Jesus day. 1 They do things and say things to make people scared if they don't do them there way like the Jews. Lets start of with the biggest of them all you must "find" you a building aka church building or should i say a house church. The bible never taught a building calling it a "church building" or house church. But it was "house to house" not one "central place" like a church building concept. Why is because what did Jesus say in John,4:20 to the women. Frist she tried to put words in his mouth, our fathers "worshiped" in this mountain: and ye say that in Jerusalem is the "place" where men ought to worship. Wow is this what we here today of course it is where do you go to, where is the "place" of your worship. Lets check out what Jesus answer is to you people today and her back then. John, 4:21 Jesus saith unto her Women, believe me, the hour cometh when ye shall neither "in this mountain nor yet at Jerusalem worship the Father" John, 4:23 But the hour cometh, and now is when the true worshipers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth: for the Father seeketh such to worship him. So what was Jesus answer to that women was NO "place" is the place of worship. Let me add some back up to this is Acts, 7:48 to 51 it wasn't about the "place" anymore. We are the temple now 1 Cor, 3:16, 2 Cor, 6:16. So trying to "sing" when David said let us go into the house of the Lord it's not for today's body. The other one is you need a covering there is no bible context for this. Another thing is that they need to feed you this makes me laugh in our day. Do you not have a bible maybe two or three of them. Babes in Christ is one thing or discipleship of someone is different. Then they still must grow up in the word from their "own" bible. Who "feeds" them the person who says we need this covering thing. When do they stop feeding of who ever that might be? These bewitch tactics are what they do in churchainty like the Jews to try to bring people back into this bondage to churchainty. Just because somebody been doing something so long that doesn't "mean" God is behind it like churchainty. The sad thing is that people who are not saved,born again attached them selves to this churchainty. Thinking they are with God because of this attachedment to this traditions of men.

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