Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Don't Fear Jesus came and Reigns Now Great news for us.

Second Coming
The New Testament paints a clear picture for us, seen clearly by only a few. Because of man’s rejection of God back then, which is being repeated today, a sad state developed for man, but out of all this sadness developed the beautiful picture of God's love and devotion and a future for those who have dedicated their lives to the Father and His work. This picture also shows how He has created the new heaven and new earth and the fulfillment of what was put into place from the beginning: from the time man and woman sinned and were removed from God’s presence. All the prophecies fulfilled finally as creation itself groans in wait for this moment which came between 30 A.D. to 70 A.D.
Included in this picture is the birth, death and resurrected Christ and then 40 years later, his return in 70 A.D. (the end of a second 40 years of wondering and preparation)
The cross is the central and most significant event since the creation of the world with the removal of Adam and Eve from the Garden of Eden. The cross was just 40 years before another climatic world event of 70 A.D. where God with His Christ came in Judgment in His Kingdom, not only to destroy the Jewish system and fulfill the old law and all prophecies, but also to remove the Jews from the earth forever. The cross was the beginning of this great event and it was fully manifested and completed in 70 A.D. when the harvest of the earth would come. "These were redeemed from among men, the firstfruits unto God and the Lamb". (Rev. 14:46)
In the N.T. period we see what remained of the old heaven and the old earth; of the Law of Moses located at physical Jerusalem which really began at Mt. Sinai (Acts 7:30 & Ex. 3:14). Physical Jerusalem was a shadow or type of the new city Jerusalem, a spiritual city that is described in Revelation as "coming down" out of heaven. (Rev. 22:14,15 & 21:2,10-27). This new city was replacing the old physical city located in Jerusalem during the 40 years from the cross to 70 A.D. when Christ returned in judgment and claimed his people in his kingdom. The same kingdom which he preached was coming soon while he was here. This was a time when man finally was redeemed and was returned to the Father. Death is no longer separating man from their Creator and after 4,000 years the Tree Of Life was again made available to spiritual man and the tares were removed at the harvest time.
This new city Jerusalem is referred to also as the bride of Christ and represents the picture of the marriage and the marriage feast where Christ is the groom. (Rev. 19:7 & 21:2,9) This also is the time which is reported in II Pet. 3:13 and Rev 21:1 where the replacement of the old heaven and old earth took place, which we read about in Isaiah 65:17-20 and 66:22. This depicts the old relationship and order between heaven and earth of the Hebrew people with their Creator at Jerusalem where all nations would flow to see God’s great works and his people. This change which took 40 years is also referred to as birth pains, meaning much suffering would come before the new change took place. See Acts 14:22: "We must through much tribulation Enter into the Kingdom of God".
This 40 years between the cross and Christ’s return in 70 A.D. replicates the 40 years of wondering in the wilderness as the Hebrew people did under Moses. The wandering was a transition period before the Jews entered the promised land when they were tried and tested and cleansed and prepared for entrance there. Joshua and Caleb were the only two people from the original group out of Egypt that was over the age of 20 who entered the promised land. (Numbers 32:9-13) Not even Moses was allowed to enter. Only those people under 20 years of age who left Egypt or those born in the wilderness entered the promised land. This means those who entered were between the ages of 1 day up to 59 years of age, except Caleb and Joshua. (1 Corinthians. 10:5-12) The adults who left Egypt were not worthy enough to enter the promised land. It took them 40 years to travel 40 miles and they died in their sins just as did the Hebrew Jews and Gentiles who were not worthy to enter Christ’s kingdom. There was a co-existing of the two periods of time before entrance into the promised land; very similar to the co-existence of Christ’s Kingdom with the old heaven and old earth under the Law as the Jewish age ended, and both times a remnant was saved to enter.
Christ was a mystery hidden from the world and still is to the world today a non-understood mystery. The events of the cross and 70 A.D. is what the world has been waiting for ever since man was separated from God. Now, under the reign of Christ, man is being brought back to the Creator and redeemed at last with victory over death by the blood of Christ and his resurrection, the perfect and final sacrifice. As Adam and Eve sinned in the Garden, their sin separated them from God the Father and were given a death sentence because they could no longer eat of the tree of life or remain in the presence of the Creator.
70 A.D. is known incorrectly as the "end of the world" (K.J.) but is rather the "end of the age", the Jewish age which was also the end of the Jews. Also it was the final end of the Law of Moses, the Old Covenant and end of the animal sacrifices and priesthood and never to be again. Also the fulfilling of all prophesied and all that was written. There was no more to be written because there was no more prophecies.
It was also the end of the graves where every soul "slept with the fathers". We no longer wait in the graves for Christ and his redeeming blood because he has come and shed his blood once for all times. Now at death we are resurrected.
It was the end also of the gift of the Holy Spirit. Such things as miracles, tongues, revelations and the work of the apostles, elders (bishops), prophets and preachers sent of God was also ended at that time. There was no promise of an end of the world mentioned anywhere nor a destruction of the world. There is not a prophet, elder or preacher on earth today or since that time that is sent of God. Anyone who claims to be one of these is counterfeit. Yet, in every gathering there is a pulpit with a preacher standing behind it and there are also usually elders; all counterfeit. Peter said in Acts 10:42... "and he commanded ‘us’ to preach unto the people". Now read 1 Peter 4:11--If any man speaks (let him speak) as the oracles of God: if any man minister (let him do it) as of the ability which God giveth, that God in all things may be glorified through Jesus Christ". In Acts 10:40 Peter said, "and he commanded ‘us’ to preach unto the people". You see, it was not anyone who wanted to be a preacher, it was only those God Chose who spoke what they were given to speak. Compare that with those today who preach more than 33,000 different messages and doctrines. There is no one on earth today who should be in that position. Revelation from heaven to people is in the past. Because we have all of God’s revelation and there is no more being given today, preachers sent of God are no more. Therefore, anyone who stands before an assembly today on earth and declares or allows himself to be declared a preacher of God is a counterfeit. Paul told the Philippians (2:12)..."work out your own salvation with fear and trembling". He never declared to them to pick out a preacher from among them and put him up front to continue where I left off while I’m gone! This responsibility was given to the elders back then, not to preachers, and we can no longer have elders.
There were three epochs of time known as the heaven and earth. The first ending and the second beginning at Mt. Sinai and was manifested in Canaan after 40 years of wandering. The second was ending as the third was beginning at the cross and was manifested at 70 A.D., 40 years later when the end came to the Jews and their law in physical Jerusalem which was totally destroyed along with the Jewish race. Most of them were killed and of those captured, many or all died. The remnant escaped to Pella and vanished into other bloods resulting in no original Jews being left on the earth. Those today calling themselves Jews speak the Yiddish language because they are descendants of the Turks and Honds. They are not true, original Jews.
This judgment upon the Jews does not, however, prevent God’s judgment upon the nations again and again as He has done many times over the last 6,000 years.
Christ, the firstfruit, conquered death by his resurrection, the same death that came after the first sin in the garden. Then came the resurrection of the dead who "slept with the fathers", then the resurrected ones still alive chosen by God. Remember the parable Christ spoke to his disciples because they thought (Luke. 19:11-) that the Kingdom of God should immediately appear. A certain nobleman went into a far country to receive for himself a kingdom and to return. It was depicting Christ when he left for 40 years and returned with his kingdom.
Remember also Luke. 9:27, "But I tell you of a truth, there be some standing here, which shall not taste of death till they see the Kingdom of God". Mark 1:15, "The time is fulfilled and the Kingdom of God is at hand, repent ye and believe the gospel".
Remember at the end of the 4th gospel (John 21-23) Jesus was talking to the apostles when he appeared to them the third time after he was risen from the dead, Peter seeing John asked Jesus, "Lord, and what shall this man do"? (asking about John, when and how he would die) (Vs. 22) "Jesus saith unto him, if I will that he tarry till I come, what is that to thee"? Here we have a timetable of Christ’s return within the days of John’s life and we know that John was still around when Christ returned in 70 A.D. as Christ prophesied. Romans 6:9,10... "Knowing Christ being raised from the dead...death hath no more dominion over him .II Tim. 1:10 says..."Christ, who hath abolished death... I Corinthians. 15:20-26 (23) Christ the firstfruit: afterwards they that are Christ’s at his coming: (24) Then cometh the end, when he shall have delivered up the Kingdom to God ...when he shall have put down all rule and authority and power... (25) For he must reign, till he hath put down all enemies under his feet (26)The last enemy is death". Notice here, "Christ the firstfruit" and then afterwards the others. Afterwards does not mean 2000 years later. (27)" For he hath put all things under his feet (except God) and when all things are subdued unto him, then shall the Son also himself be subject...(to God) that God may be all in all".
Paul knew that Christ was coming soon and in his time on earth. That’s why he suggested that it was better not to marry because he knew that this total destruction of the Jews was coming soon (70 A.D.) and that building a family would be in vain because within a few years all would be gone. Although he did tell them to go ahead and marry rather than sin in lust if they could not contain themselves. See 1 Corinthians. 7:8, 9.
The "religious world" today is exactly like the Jews were back then. They are sitting around waiting for Christ to come and restore Israel exactly as they waited back then. Others are waiting for Christ to meet us in the air and the world to be removed and cannot explain the 1,000 years. Does history repeat itself? Why do we point our fingers at the Jews for still waiting for the Messiah when we today are also waiting for the Messiah to return. The silly Jews never accepted His coming and the "Christians" never accepted his return in 70 A.D. Who is better or who is worse?
In Matthew 23:15, Jesus said, "Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye compass sea and land to make one proselyte, and when he is made, ye make him twofold more the child of hell than yourselves". Does history repeat itself?
What I have placed before you here is a light overview or summary of my understanding of what God reveals to me through the scriptures. I am no longer waiting for Christ to return as the world today waits in vain and "preachers", not sent of God, keep on proclaiming, "He is coming" and thus deceive the world as did the Pharisees of old. Have you ever noticed how many people were lead to their death at the end of the last century and now even in Africa hundreds have died or are being killed by false preachers convincing them that the world was ending and taking all of their possessions. It’s so easy to get followers today because of hundreds of years of false teaching by preachers who are not sent of God. This is sad because God is not sending anymore preachers today and we should have been able to figure that out by now.
The religious world took a left turn hundreds of years ago and is still off course. There are no more preachers sent by God today just as there are no more prophets, apostles or elders, only people who lead other people astray just because it is so easy to do. Titus 1:3 says, "But hath in due times manifested his word through preaching (in the message) which is committed unto me (wherewith I was intrusted) according to the commandment of God our Savior". (see also, Acts 10:42; I Thessalonians. 2:4; and 2 Tim. 1:11) In 1 Thessalonians. 1:5 Paul said, "For our gospel came not unto you in word only, but also in power, and in the Holy Spirit". See also, 1 Corinthians. 2:4, "My preaching demonstration of the Spirit and power". Examine now 1 Corinthians. 2:9-16. "But God hath revealed unto ‘us’ (those sent of God) the things which God hath prepared for them that love him". If you listen carefully to the above writings then you will clearly see that there is no one on earth today that can fill their shoes (sandals). Acts 20:27 & 28 states, "Take all the flock, in which the Holy Spirit hath made you overseers (bishops, elders)". Now who made the elders of your "church"? Did the Holy Spirit make anyone of them overseers and fill them with the revelation of God? Can you find a single place in the scriptures where God gave us the choice or the responsibility to select for ourselves preachers or elders? If so, then please show me. There is no one on earth today over us as there has been in the past, such as, priests, apostles, elders, pastors or preachers. We have only one High Priest and one God and "all" that is written points to 70 A.D. when man no longer was separated from God but redeemed at last after 4,000 years of being separated from Him.
The next event for all of us is when our spirits leave this earth after the shedding of our flesh and bones. Then will be our time, our day of reckoning, when we will give account of the life we lived upon this earth and the earth will continue on. We will give reason to our Creator when we come before Him as to why we would listen to any preacher (not sent by Him) instead of going to Him in His word and hearing the preachers God did send and His only begotten son. Remember what Christ said in Matthew 7:7, "ask and it shall be given you: seek and ye shall find, knock, and it shall be opened unto you". Also Revelation 3:20, "Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear "my voice", and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me". Vs. 22, "He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the assemblies. If we would only look at scriptures for what they are and accept the fact that it was written to them of old 2000 years ago but not to us, but for us. If we would do that then most of the confusion would disappear.
Written by: B.R. Young AD70@erols.comChester, Virginia ©March 9, 2000

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